Today, the internet hosts billions of websites and millions of visitors. In this vast digital world, websites are used by visitors to gather information, conduct research, or purchase a product. Therefore, the operation of a website and its communication with visitors must be clear and systematic. A specific language is needed to facilitate this communication. One of the protocols that provide this language is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
HTTP is a protocol that facilitates communication between web browsers and web servers. This protocol determines how a server will respond when a web browser requests a webpage. These responses are typically conveyed through codes known as HTTP status codes.
HTTP status codes indicate how a web server has processed a request and the outcome of that request. These status codes are generally expressed as three-digit numbers, with each number representing a specific condition. For example, the code 200 indicates a successful request, while the code 404 represents a page that cannot be found.
The most commonly used HTTP status codes for websites include:
- 200: Represents a successful request.
- 404: Represents a page that cannot be found.
- 500: Indicates a server error.
HTTP status codes make the communication between websites and their visitors more understandable and systematic. This allows users to better comprehend the outcomes of their requests and, when necessary, take the appropriate steps to resolve issues.

What are HTTP Status Codes?
When we visit a website, two-way communication occurs between the browser and the server. The browser sends a request to the server to display a specific web page. The server receives this request and processes it. The server responds to this processed request with a three-digit status code. These are called HTTP status codes.
HTTP status codes typically consist of three digits, and each number represents a specific status. For example, the 200 code represents a successful request, while the 404 code indicates a page that cannot be found. These codes inform web browsers how the server processed the request and the outcome of the request.
Status codes are not only used to indicate errors but also to confirm that a page has loaded successfully. For example, a 200 code indicates that the page has loaded successfully, while a 404 code indicates that the page cannot be found.
HTTP status codes inform web browsers how the server has responded. This enables users to better understand the results of their requests and, when necessary, take the correct steps to resolve any issues.

Why are HTTP Status Codes Important?
Undoubtedly, HTTP status codes are critically important for websites. These codes affect both the technical functioning of the site and the user experience.
A website that loads quickly and smoothly, has a low response time, and returns the correct status codes enhances the users’ experience positively. Users are more satisfied when they can access the content they want quickly and smoothly, increasing the likelihood that they will revisit the site.
On the other hand, if a website responds slowly to commands or continuously returns error codes, it negatively impacts the user experience. Users may find it difficult to trust a site that frequently encounters such issues and may be inclined to turn to other sites.
HTTP status codes also affect the SEO performance of your site. Search engine bots take into account the response time and status codes when crawling your site. For instance, a site that consistently receives 5xx (server error) status codes can lose the trust of search engine bots and may drop in search results. Similarly, pages with 404 (page not found) error codes are negatively assessed by search engine bots and cannot be indexed.

HTTP Status Code Classes
HTTP status codes are codes used in the communication between web servers and browsers to represent specific events. These codes typically consist of three digits. The first digit indicates the general category of the status code, while the other two digits provide more specific details about the status.
HTTP status codes are divided into five different classes, and each class represents a specific type of event:
- 1xx (Informational): The request has been received and is being processed.
- 2xx (Successful): The request has been successfully processed and completed.
- 3xx (Redirection): Additional action needs to be taken in order to complete the request.
- 4xx (Client Error): The request contains errors or cannot be fulfilled by the server.
- 5xx (Server Error): The server encountered an error while processing the request and couldn’t fulfill it.
The most commonly encountered HTTP status codes include:
- 200 (OK): The request has been successfully processed, and the desired content has been returned as the response.
- 301 (Moved Permanently): The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new location.
- 404 (Not Found): The requested resource could not be found on the server.
- 500 (Internal Server Error): There was a server-side error, and the request could not be processed.
- 503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unable to handle the request due to overload or maintenance.
These status codes are important for website owners and developers because they affect the performance and user experience of their sites. When managed correctly, users have a seamless experience, and the site’s SEO performance is positively impacted.

How to Check HTTP Status Codes and Errors?
For websites to be successful and improve user experience, it’s crucial to use HTTP status codes correctly. These status codes are used in the communication between web servers and browsers, representing specific events. For instance, the 200 status code indicates that a request has been successfully processed and the requested content has been returned, while the 404 status code indicates that the requested resource couldn’t be found on the server.
HTTP status codes are typically divided into five different classes, each representing a type of event: informational, successful, redirection, client error, and server error classes. For example, 1xx codes indicate that the request has been received and is being processed, 2xx codes indicate that the operation was successful, and 3xx codes indicate that additional action needs to be taken to complete the request.
Websites should use correct HTTP status codes to positively impact user experience. Additionally, effectively managing error codes is important for websites. For example, customizing pages that return a 404 error code for users and ensuring error messages are clear and understandable are important. Moreover, improving server response times and server performance enhances user experience and reduces site abandonment rates.
Using the correct HTTP status codes and managing errors effectively are important for the success of a website. These steps positively influence user experience and SEO performance. As every website is different, it’s important to tailor these steps to the needs and goals of the site.